

Monoclonal antibody plant






Salas Blancas

Installed surface

2,800 m2


Monoclonal Antibodies Processing Area. The HVAC installation included: the air treatment system for the classification of the production room ISO 5 / ISO 7 / ISO 8 cell culture, harvesting and bioreactors areas among others; the installation of weighing and fractionation sectors and general tanks; the production of hot and cold water with two units with partial heat recovery totaling 1100 kW; the hydraulic distribution of hot and cold water; the heat production was reinforced with steam/water heat exchangers; sanitary hot water supply through heat exchangers.

About the project

The electrical power and control installations, with their respective panels for the HVAC service, were completely executed by Valtria, also performing the corresponding commissioning of both services.

The plant is currently manufacturing the active ingredient (API) for AstraZeneca’s SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (COVID-19).


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