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New silicon carbide wafer production factory in Catania by VALTRIA

Published in January 2022





New silicon carbide wafer production factory in Catania by VALTRIA

VALTRIA is delighted to announce that we have been awarded the contract by STMicroelectronics for design and installation of the cleanroom facility solution for the new silicon carbide wafer production factory located in Catania, Italy.


VALTRIA SWISS office will implement an integrated project organization dedicated to the engineering and execution of the works for building up the cleanroom infrastructures, facilities and hydraulic distributions for process cooling and HVAC.


This is a significant and crucial contract award for VALTRIA. About the global shift to electrification and higher efficiency, this project allows VALTRIA a platform for growth, whilst providing Valtria’s distinct expertise during a period of increasing demand for high-tech devices across automotive and industrial applications within the microelectronics industry. Furthermore, this contract award establishes Valtria as an international industry leader of mid-scale cleanroom architectural projects.


We are looking forward to realizing a successful solution and establishing a trustworthy relationship of continuity between VALTRIA and STMicroelectronics.


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