AseBio currently has more than 284 members, among them, more than 200 are SMEs, many of them born from universities and public research centres, which develop biotechnological products and services. Partners also include companies from user sectors, technology and RD centres. Of these, 65.5% are in healthcare biotechnology, 38.5% in professional services and RD, almost 15% in agri-food and 16.5% in industry.
On the one hand, the Association generates important networks of collaboration between associates, trying to help companies look for investment partners, suppliers, clients or partners to start up projects. In this way, we are included in a platform for knowledge generation and collaboration between companies that create innovative projects in the country.
On the other hand, it collaborates closely with regional, national and European administrations, as well as with all those social organisations committed to science and the use of biotechnology to improve people’s quality of life, the sustainability of the planet, economic development and the generation of high added value employment.
For Valtria, joining the Association means being at the forefront of knowledge of any new developments in biotechnology and contributing our grain of sand wherever we can be useful. We know that there is a lot of ignorance about industrial regulations or infrastructures associated with innovative biotechnology processes in general. This is where we can help and where we must continue to learn.